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Detours Gay Travel Blog

Our Top 5 Things to Bring on a Detours Trip

  • Brandon Folkes
  • Dec 6, 2022

Traveling can be a tricky when it comes to what you should or should not bring. Bring too much and you risk having to haul around a ton of clothes or accessories that you otherwise might not even use. Bring too little and you could be stuck between a rock and a hard place in certain situations. So what are absolute essentials when coming on a Detours trip? Well lets dive into that.

Travel Adapter

We live in the golden age of technology, and while we rely heavily on our devices, they all need that juice to power up day to day. One unique aspect of travelling is that not every country has the same style of ‘plug-in’ that we have back at home. Whether it’s the European style two prong type C and F plugs or the UK type G plugs, you need to be ready to adapt no matter which borders you currently reside in. How do you navigate all these funky electrical outlets? A universal travel adapter! These you can find at most drug stores, electronics stores, or even the airport (albeit at a premium) but our recommendation is to get the ones that feature all the worldwide plug-in types in one. Some even come with built in USB plugs so you can leave your chargers at home.

Camera (or phone)

Now this one is probably the easiest one on our list to bring since who doesn’t have a smart phone these days? But you don’t want to be in the middle of Kruger National Park and not have a camera on you when one of the Big Five pops out to say hi! If you have a beautiful fancy DSLR camera to take amazing photos, by all means, bring it along! If not, smart phones these days take exceptional photos that are just as good if not better than some expensive cameras out there. Also, it’s a very crucial communication device to be able to reach out to your trip leader and other group members while on a trip, so it's suggested to have one with you to be up-to-date on what's going on.

Rain Jacket

While most of our wonderful destinations are sunny ones, nowhere is fully immune to the occasional downpour. It’s always a good call to bring something that you to cover up with in the event the sky opens up and you aren’t caught soaking wet while out on an excursion. We always suggest bringing a rain jacket with you to keep you prepared for any unexpected weather that may head our way. You will be thanking yourself for doing that!

Comfortable Shoes

Whether you are hiking through the jungles of Costa Rica or exploring ancient sites in Egypt, footwear is key to making sure you are thinking about all the amazing things around you and not about how sore your feet are. Now, it might be tempting to throw on those Gucci leather shoes to show off, but you will be kicking yourself at the end of the day when you are limping your way back to your hotel room. We always recommend bringing a pair of shoes with good soles and comfortable padding to treat your feet to luxury while out having the adventure of a lifetime.


We all love sitting on a beach with a cocktail soaking in the sunshine, but if you aren’t careful you could end up spending your evening rubbing aloe vera all over your sun burnt body! Whether it's sunny or cloudy, our sun graces us with its life giving rays, and while you are travelling around, be sure to apply a good quality sunscreen to keep your healthy skin safe from damage. We recommend bringing some from home and carrying it in your check-in luggage, if possible, as lots of tourist destinations will price gouge you if you come unprepared. Make sure to get one that has an SPF of 30 or 50 and if you plan on swimming or doing a water activity, one that is waterproof as well.

If you kick start your trip with all five of these in your bag, you are well on your way to being prepared for a Detours adventure. Feel free to read up on more travel tips that we recommend on our Top Travel Prep Tips To Get You Started: Part 1 and Part 2